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National Housing Conference 2025 - Save the date: 14 - 16 October 2025

Corporate buildings

The Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP

Minister for Housing Qld

The Hon Meaghan Scanlon MP

Meaghan Scanlon is the Palaszczuk Government's Minister for Housing.

With both of her parents growing up in government housing, she understands the power of social reform, and how it can positively change people’s lives.

She knows the impacts national housing pressures are having on Queensland, which is why she is focussed on rolling out a record spend on social and affordable homes as quickly as possible.

Meaghan is driving $5 billion for social and affordable housing – the single-largest concentrated investment in Queensland’s history – to help deliver 13,500 homes.

Beyond the Palaszczuk Government’s record social housing build, Meaghan is also focussed on looking at new and innovative ways to tackle the issue head on, as well as rolling out different types of housing and homelessness support.

Prior to entering politics, she worked as a solicitor and was then elected to the seat of Gaven on the Gold Coast in 2017, serving as the Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development before being appointed as Minister for the Environment and Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs in 2020.