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National Housing Conference 2025 - Save the date: 14 - 16 October 2025

Corporate buildings

Simone Parsons

Women's Community Shelters

Simone Parsons

Simone is a social and community services professional with 25 years’ experience working with non-profit organisations, State and Local Government. She is the Chief Operating Officer of Women’s Community Shelters an organisation based in NSW which over the last 10 years has partnered with local communities, philanthropy and Government to open eight new crisis shelters for women and children who are homeless or escaping domestic and family violence. She has a passion for working strategically and collaboratively to bring ideas and possibilities to fruition.

In addition to her COO role, Simone leads the organisations Housing strategy. Simone has built the partnership infrastructure that facilitates ‘meanwhile use’ medium term housing programs for single women. Partnerships involve property owners, Community Housing Providers WCS case work staff and pro bono support. Since beginning the program the number of individual projects has grown (from 2 to 25 in 3 years) and now includes; Beecroft, Mosman, Abbie and Allawah House with a focus on women over 55 years. While not the end game, and no substitute for an increase in permanent social housing, these programs address an immediate need and provide a pragmatic solution to housing for vulnerable women and children.